Why I am Mormon?

My simple answer: I took it to God.

Two things that contradict each other cannot both be true either one is false or they both are false. I am not trying to bash any ones beliefs for I know that there is a lot of truth in the world. But I was looking for the whole truth. I wanted to know for myself.
There are a lot of different beliefs in the world. Some are very similar some are very different. But there is one truth.

Oil and water don't mix, if you jump off a cliff (without a parachute or glider) you will fall, 2 x 2=4, we need food and water in order to live. These things are facts of physical truth people except because they have seen the physical proof. They have been tested, they have been proven.

There are spiritual truths as well, but we have to use our spiritual senses in order to know that they are true. Spiritual truths can be tested. We cannot physically calculate the density, height or volume, To "prove" these truths one will not have a vision, one will not hear God's voice or feel the prints on Christ hands. "No one can know spiritual truth with out prayer" (Preach My Gospel) As we put to the test our hypothesis or our question, we receive a spiritual witness of the truth the result from the our experiment will be a spiritual increase in knowledge, an increase in faith.
What is faith?  As Paul taught
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
For example we know that love exists, despite the lack of proof of physical evidence. Why? because we have all felt that love in one form or another, one who has never felt love doubts love actually exists.  Be we feel the love we have. Based on the love we feel we can see the actions differently of our loved ones knowing that there is good intention behinds them . We see the effects of true love as love changes a person to be more kind, more understanding, more patient and more loving. Love begets love. True love changes the actions of a person. It is an outcome of love, just as true faith changes the actions of a person to be more like our Savior. Faith changes our actions and leads us to have more faith when we act on our beliefs. True faith begets faith.

So back to my question, Why an I Mormon? I have my faith in Jesus Christ and I wanted to know if the Book of Mormon another testament of Him. I wanted to know if the Book of Mormon was the word of God.  If it was then I would know Joseph Smith was a Prophet and He did restore the the gospel of Jesus Christ to the earth. Everything relies on that book, so I did my research and took the test.  I read Moroni 10 :3-5 and followed the instructions exactly (in order to get the correct result you have to do the experiment correctly). I know that the church is true for the Lord told me so.
Through my spiritual senses I was able to recognize my answer. Just as I know how to recognize fake wood from real wood, or marble from granite. I know how to recognize the the Holy Spirit testifying to me the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ as explained in the Book of Mormon. And you can too.

I am not afraid to invite all to read and pray about the Book of Mormon, I absolutely love that book. It has brought so much joy and happiness in my life that it is my desire to share this wonderful book to anyone that will read it and come know for themselves that it truly is the work of God.

I know that the Church on Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (also recognized as the Mormon Church) is the only church the has the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And I want others to know for themselves this wonderful truth for through this gospel I have found more peace, more happiness and more joy then anywhere  else, and I want other's lives to be blessed by this message that I Know with all my heart is true.
