Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bad Words and Dirty Jokes!

How do I get bad words and dirty jokes out of my head after I hear them at school?

It is hard to filter our minds from all the bad in the world. I agree. We CANNOT completely control everything that we hear and see no matter how hard we try, we are living in a world where there is bad all around but we can have self discipline with the Lord's help.Our minds are very powerful and our thoughts control our desires and our desires influences our words and our words influence our actions and they influences our habits and eventually all those things become our character. When we start with the little things we can slowly change and become who it is that we want to be!

“The mind is like a stage,” said President Boyd K. Packer. “Except when we are asleep, the curtain is always up. . . . Always there is some act playing on the stage of the mind.

“Have you noticed that, without any real intent on your part and almost in the midst of any performance, a shady little thought may creep in from the wings and endeavor to attract your attention? . . . If you permit them to go on, all other thoughts, of any virtue, will leave the stage. You will be left, because you consented to it, to the influence of unworthy thoughts” (That All May Be Edified, [1982], 38).

“What do you do at a time like this, when the stage of your mind is commandeered by these imps of unclean thinking? . . . Let me suggest that you choose from among the sacred music of the Church one favorite hymn. I have reason for suggesting that it be a Latter-day Saint hymn, one with lyrics that are uplifting and the music reverent. Select one that, when it is properly rendered, makes you feel something akin to inspiration.

“Now, go over it in your mind very thoughtfully a few times. Memorize the words and the music. . . . Anytime you find that these shady actors have slipped in from the sideline of your thinking onto the stage of your mind, think through this hymn. . . . It will change the whole mood on the stage of your mind. Because it is clean and uplifting and reverent, the baser thoughts will leave” (That All May Be Edified, 38–39).

Ler us fill our minds with the pure and good things of the world and then we can let the Lord change us into who we need to be!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Why Do We Need Prophets?

Haha the big question!

"Because Heavenly Father loves His children, He has not left them to walk through this mortal life without direction and guidance. The teachings of our Heavenly Father are not the ordinary, predictable, run-of-the-mill kind you can pick up in paperback at the local bookstore. They are the wisdom of an all-powerful, all-knowing celestial Being who loves His children. Encompassed in His words is the secret of the ages—the key to happiness in this life and in the world to come." -President Uchtdorf

Now who wants happiness in this life? I am sure that if I asked for a raise of hands all hands would go up.
The key to happiness can be found as we listen to the prophet's voice and we can ask God if the words that he speaks are the word's of God. We are living in this life and we need help from our loving Heavenly Father and He has given us the the map to life. This map is taught to us through the prophets that God has called to help us!

 "Today is not different from ages past. The Lord does not love the people of our day any less than in past times. One of the glorious messages of the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ is that God continues to speak to His children! He is not hidden in the heavens but speaks today as He did in ancient days."                -President Uchtdorf

We are wonderfully blessed to have the words of the prophets in the Bible and in the Book of Mormon. These are precious words that have been given to us so that we can understand the mysteries of God but God is full of love and will not leave us on the earth with these words only.

Times are different today then there were in the times of old. We have different types of difficulties in our society. We struggle through different things, we have questions about different things, For example:  The children of Isreal did not have that gadgets that we have today such as Internet and cars and movies, and so they also didn't have the same problems that are associated with technology. We need God's guidance just as much now as the children of Isreal did in the Bible. God guides us today by a prophet. And his name is Thomas S Monson.

He is the prophet for the whole earth and gives guidance to us so that we can learn how to be truly happy in this life and in the world to come!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The most genius Inventor!

The other day we were talking to two young men in the street and they were saying that they don't believe in God because there is no proof that He exists. We tried to talk to them but they were not really interested and so we continued on our way. Not even ten minutes later after a good rain storm, the clouds parted and we saw the most beautiful sunset ever! The way that the sunlight hit the clouds and the ski turned just the right color with orange and pink and blue. We looked and it and we were overcome with awe as we contemplated the beauty before our eyes. I thought of the scripture where Alma is talking to someone who does not believe in God and is telling him that there is not proof, and tells him if there is a God to show him a sign. He said "Thou hast had signs enough; will ye tempt your God? Will ye say, Show unto me a sign, when ye have the testimony of all these thy brethren, and also all the holy prophets? The scriptures are laid before thee, yea, and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator." (Alma 30:44)

God has made all things for our benefit and for our pleasure. Think of the most crazy invention or the most genius invention (like the new Ipad or the space shuttle or whatever is your favorite invention), now every single one of those things has a creator or an inventor. They wouldn't exist without someone to come up with the idea and create it. It is foolishness to think that something as amazing as our bodies or the earth itself doesn't have a Creator. Everything around me is proof and I know that God exists and more than that He is also the Father of our spirits and He loves us and wants what is best for us in all the ways possible.
There are a couple of ways that we can know that He exists, but the most important way is through prayer. When we ask if He is there we can feel of His spirit tells to our spirits that He is there and that He loves us.
That is my challenge to each and every one of you!
If you want to read more about this read in Alma 22

Enjoy Life!

Psalms 118:24 "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."

Life is a opportunity and a blessing that our Lord has given to us for us to enjoy! Let us count our many blessings and and give thanks to our Loving God for all that he has given us instead of us wishing that we had the never ending lists of the things that we don't have.
I know that happiness is a choice not on outcome of circumstances.
We are children of God and we are loved by Him. Let us Rejoice in it!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Trash Talk

Our tongue is a hard thing to control sometimes but the effects of what we say are bigger than we think. 



          I like how it says, What you say to others says alot more about yourself. We need to be be kind in all that we do and all that we say alot.

D&C 50
23 "And that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness."

That is a strong scripture!
As disciples of Jesus Chirst we need to be lifting others up and edifying them at all times. When we choose to say negative things we are letting the devil win a victory. Let us remain firm and faithful in the fight for what is right!